In a time where you thought America couldn't get any more stupid and Britain couldn’t decline any further, one thing we know is music is important to almost everyone and it keeps us sane in political times that we can’t control.
When conflict and division dominate the news, it's music that always booms. An influx of escapists, dreamers, and activists take to the stage to make us feel alright about life and unite us.
Amongst all the musicians out there, there is always someone singing the words you wish you wrote or at least you were thinking the same thing or simply just feeling the same feelings. We are only human after all, and no one is in any superior position here; we just got to all play our part.
The music industry has always been a complicated one to understand, and from a media production standpoint, budgets for music videos and content have never been straightforward to get hold of because, let's put it this way, musicians tend to have another job, and we all know that they struggle to get paid to play a gig at a venue, let alone have their fuel paid for. They continue to do that for the opportunity to release their songs somewhere, to build a name for themselves.
The turning point in the music industry was social media; you can now play and record at home and reach a global audience… yeah!? Whilst we took to the bedrooms to broadcast live music and release singles, our venues in our crumbling towns and cities are declining rapidly. I think we lost over 500 venues in Britain since the pandemic, many stories of not enough support to keep them open, and people just want to see the band who reigned in the previous decades rather than support local upcoming bands at local venues. It's sad really, but this is what happens when you swap venues for a mobile phone.
On a positive note, NO EGO was born elevating upcoming musicians and bands, helping them to reach a further audience, and provide them with what they need to show the world what they got. And after all that chat about the musicians doing it for love. That's why we are doing it, because we realize the importance of giving rising talent the elevation they need to get off the ground or to the next stages of exposure.
Remember, you only need your ego to cross the road; once you've done that, you just need to be good at what you do and, most importantly, be nice and true to yourself!
Follow us and our journey on YouTube for loads of insightful content to come this year, and you can keep up to date with releases on our Instagram and Facebook pages.